Wednesday, May 9, 2007

At the end of the day

Thanks to Wrong Way, Fast Eddie, Dunk-A-Lew, Doctor OH, Black Bean, Lunch Box, Shark Bait, Spear and Tight Line (Axe Hole) for making Camp 2007 fun.

See you next year. - Brent Giant

Mmmmmm bet you guys miss this already!

We kept only the biggest and the juiciest. This year was very successful on many fronts, the weather was fabulous, the company was excellent, the bugs were missing and the Splake were biting!

Splake Hunters 2007

Moments before leaving for our trek out, the weather was fantastic and the wind was at our backs.

Sexing Skunks can be dangerous

Fast Eddie wasn't fast enough to avoid the full blast. Oddly, Wrong Way still let him in his tent to sleep that night.


Captain Hook couldn't catch a trophy Splake so Spear renamed him "Lunch Box." Hopefully Lunch Box will be back to try his luck again next year.

Splake Hunter "Spear"

This Splake Hunter was a power house. Full of stories around the fire, he even willingly went for a swim, but Spear couldn't dunk under for fear of a brain freeze. An active Splake hunter, he swam Doctor OH and me up the rapids with the painter in his teeth!

Nice to meet you Spear. Hope you'll be back with us next year.

We had our very own mad scientist

Well he must be mad now that he knows we will not fully fall for the old "doctored picture of a Lake trout" trick.

Better luck next time Shark Bait...oh, by the way...two can play at that game! ;)

The Brothers were in full swing

Whoooze bear corp is diss?

Black Bean found a pear core bobbing near the shore. Man, the sun and isolation can play with your mind.

Good eatin'

Fast Eddie proudly displays one of the beautiful Splakes he caught. They were feeding on small fish which schooled close to our camp. These schools would regularly boil the surface as they try to escape predator fish like the huge White fish.

Sharing a private giggle

Dunk-A-Lew, Lunch Box and Spear find something amusing during supper. What could be so funny...I guess we'll never know.

Personally I didn't know Spam had so many flavours.

Wrong Way was at it again

I think Dunk-A-Lew's face says it all. Mind you, we did have some good food. The Splake fry ups were definitely a highlight.

Hey! Get your hands off my trophy Shark Bait!

Here we catch Shark Bait with the Brent Giant's trophy. You better start polishing soon Shark Bait, it isn't going to get shiny on its own.

Ahhh nature

There's nothing like a weekend away in the Park to rediscover wildlife. Fast Eddie seemed to be closer than most at times.

Anyone wanna play Bush bocce?

Yes, Wrong Way had others carry in the bocce balls again this year. A good time was had by all. Fast Eddie joined in to show them how it is done.

Black Bean you sly dog

After bravely asking the Brent Giant,"...if I catch one will you take it off the hook for me?"...Black Bean catches a beautiful Splake. I think it qualified him for third or fourth place.

Better Luck next year Shark Bait!

Yes, there were tears when the trophy was awarded. Perhaps there will be complete rules of engagement next year so hopes and dreams will not be so cruelly crushed.
Green plastic diapers?...I no need no stinking green plastic diapers! jk

Giant Trophy fish!

This Splake earned a tie for first place and the right to house the trophy for the second half of 2007. Shark Bait cleverly produced a distorted photo of a "Laker" to snag a first place standing as well, thusly he now is shining the trophy for the Brent Giant for half a year. :)

Dang Black Bean...put your hat back on!

Here are the Brent Giant and Black Bean on their way to better Splake hunting waters. After sadly snagging and then ultimately loosing "Captain Stripy", Black Bean pulled in a .76 lb. Splake and the Giant hauled aboard a whopping .81 lb. monster Splake.

Breakfast guest

My guess is that sleeping on the ground wrapped up in a canvas tarp all night has something to do with it. In the end Doctor OH wasn't bitten too badly.

Dunk-A-Lew ponders his chances to win

Always calm and calculating, few knew what his strategy would be in the race for the trophy. Unfortunately for Dunk-A-Lew, this wasn't his year.

Road kill attack!

Black Bean is awakened by an angry flattened racoon. Needless to say, he needed to dry out his sleeping bag in the sun later that day.

The Ponderosa never had it so good

We had enough Turf to make the Surf not necessary; however, the weekend produced 17 Splake, over 20 White fish, and a picture of a "Lake trout". Thank you Shark Bait for that nice picture. :)

Doctor OH takes a snooze

While everyone is scrambling to catch a trophy fish, Doctor Oh conserves his energy for a concerted effort at the eleventh hour...alas, to no avail.

Black Bean went mad!

With the sun beating down and the Honey Hole not producing, Black Bean tries a desperation move to get the largest fish.

At the Honey Hole

Tight Line puts his all into making the Honey Hole produce the winning trophy Splake while Shark Bait, the Fish Scientist, methodically casts beside him.

The Brent Giant uses Parsal tongue

After a long, heated discussion with the snake, the Brent Giant was able to convince him not to bite Fast Eddie or follow Wrong Way into his sleeping bag. Regardless of the fact that Wrong Way is not totally defenceless in his sleeping bag, all were relieved.

Brent Giant...HELP US!

On the hidden trail to the secret Honey Hole, Fast Eddie and Wrong Way encounter one of those Garter Snakes we were warned about. Apparently the Brent Giant and Black Bean stepped over the beast without even noticing it.

UH-OH...I think we need more Steri-Strips!

We made it to camp about one and a half hour late to find our fellow Splake Hunters scurrying about like long tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs! They ran to the shore to greet us with everyone talking at once, "Tight Line is hurt"...gasp..."he sunk his new axe into his leg"...pant..."right to the BONE!"

With the Ultimate Splake Hunter Championship up for grabs, Tight Line grit his teeth and stayed the weekend; however, the wound did throw off his balance, thusly his casts were largely fruitless.

Not for 20 years...

Doctor Oh was stunned...he hasn't swamped a canoe in such a long time. We lightened the load by about 100 lbs. and tried again. As tippy as can be, we managed to wobble our way to the first portage. Luckily for us Wrong Way took on some of the weight on our trip out.