Wednesday, May 9, 2007

UH-OH...I think we need more Steri-Strips!

We made it to camp about one and a half hour late to find our fellow Splake Hunters scurrying about like long tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs! They ran to the shore to greet us with everyone talking at once, "Tight Line is hurt"...gasp..."he sunk his new axe into his leg"...pant..."right to the BONE!"

With the Ultimate Splake Hunter Championship up for grabs, Tight Line grit his teeth and stayed the weekend; however, the wound did throw off his balance, thusly his casts were largely fruitless.


Tebulon said...

Odd. I seem to recall more blood than that.

Anonymous said...

don't worry friend, a little more tape and that'll be fixed right up!

Brent Giant said...

Apparently we learned later that the lack of blood flow from the wound was due to shock. Tight Line was quiet fortunate in the end.

Anonymous said...

Oh the lengths some people will go to to get out of collecting firewood ever again!!!!!!
Fast Eddie