Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Wrong Way in sight...load tubes three through five...FIRE! FIRE! FIRE!

Tight Line wrote:
I'll be leaving Orleans @ 0700 to 0715 and will have to pick up Black Bean. That puts me at the Pembroke Irving Station @ 0915 at the earliest. I'd just as soon drive through and stop in Chalk River for gas and a sub. That way I might just be able to catch up with Wrong Way Dave by the time we get to the Brent access point. Let us know what the consensus is and we'll stop by if we happen to make good time.

Wrong Way wrote:
You and your subs! I hope that is not indicative of what your canoe is going to do. From the west end of the city to Pembroke is only an one hour drive. You should be able to pick up Black Bean and make it to Pembroke by 8:30 just in time for breakfast. Maybe you just drive tooooo slow?????

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